If you are new to the alkaline diet, you probably know by now that a food chart is the one must-have tool for anyone who wants to succeed on this diet. But while there are countless acid alkaline food charts around the Internet, it is actually quite hard to find one that is accurate and useful.
Why It's Hard to Find Good Acid Alkaline Food Charts
First, many charts fail to provide information about common foods. I find this hard to understand. It's one thing to omit an exotic food that practically no one eats, but it's quite another to omit a food that is in almost everyone's shopping cart.
A second problem is that not all charts are correct. In fact, many rely on outdated sources to determine which foods are acid-producing and which ones are acidifying, even when newer and more useful information is available. These inaccuracies can cause your alkaline diet to fail, and you might never find out why. The alkaline diet has worked for countless people, and it can work for you, too--but only if you make your food choices based on valid information.
Lastly, most charts are not at all convenient to use on a daily basis. Most people want a one-page list that they can hang on their refrigerator or take with them when they go to the grocery store. At these times, a poorly-formatted 30-page list chart is practically useless.
Get to Know the Ultimate Acid Alkaline Food Chart
After looking high and low for an acid alkaline food chart that doesn't suffer from these flaws, I finally decided to design one myself. I used the most accurate data available, and assembled it into a handy one-page chart that lists the 127 most popular foods. I also tried to make my chart as easy to use as possible by incorporating color-coded star ratings that shows you at a glance precisely how each food will affect your body's internal pH. Because I believe this information is so crucial, I have decided to make this chart available as a free download from The Alkaline Diet Blog.
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