Actually realizing that I could reduce the rate at which I age never crossed my mind. When ever I got a new ache or pain, I examined each one in front of the mirror an tried to decide if it was just passing or if this was one of the ones I was going to have to live with.
One method I used was to keep mental track of it. Is it worse or is it letting up? Should I tell someone? I could tell my wife and we could talk about it.
If I tell the doctor that might cause xrays or a MRI. That could be thousands of dollars, or if not that, pills to take forever. I usually decide to keep it to myself and wait and see. Then something happened to change my outlook forever when a friend of mine became sick and wanted to explore alternative medicine.
We both got on the Internet and started researching health and alternatives to drugs. What we immediately discovered was that when your body chemistry is changed by what you eat,from optimum pH to acidic, a lot of bad things happen. Some right away and others slowly over a period of time.
What we immediately discovered was that when your body chemistry is changed by what you eat, from optimum pH (slightly alkaline) to acidic, if you are acidic a lot of bad things happen. Some right away and others slowly over a period of time.
The things that happen right away might include, indigestion, heartburn, irritation of the esophagus, constipation, and incomplete elimination. Long term problems can be cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, and diabetes. Many of our common diseases are not really diseases, they are more self inflicted. I mean you don't catch diabetes from someone in the elevator.
On the other hand, keeping your systems and organs a bit alkaline, can have good and rapid results. When I started cutting down on what I call the "white stuff", such as pasta, white bread, sugar (all forms), white rice, and ice cream, and big servings of red meat, I had a dramatic health change.
What changed? I had a 30 year old yeast skin rash disappear. About two months later I discovered that I was no longer using a glucosamine drink for my knee joint pain. I am 70 years old and just assumed that these aches and pains were natural. Well they are not. Actually a better way to say it is they are natural if you eat the Standard American Diet, S.A.D.
A S.A.D. diet is one of, lots of meat potatoes, rice, dairy and the "Grinch" that stole health, sugar in all it's various forms. That includes a very harmful unnatural product called, high fructose corn syrup. Food processors use many different sweeteners to make their foods taste better. These foods processed foods are very acidic and make you fat. Wow! That is a deadly combination if I ever saw one.
These acidic foods and sodas overpower the body's ability to neutralize the excess acid and this acid causes premature aging of our cells. Acidic fluids cause the walls of healthy cells to rupture prematurely. This is the aging process. Along with killing off our own life force, there is a more ominous thing that takes place. Not all these damaged cells die. Some actually live on but with damaged DNA. Since one of the jobs of DNA is to control cell growth, the result of damaged DNA is that it can send out the wrong message to the cell and tell it to grow wild. The result can be cancer since cancer is essentially, uncontrolled cell growth.
Cancer needs a acidic environment to stay alive. Cancer can not live in an alkaline environment. That is pretty straight forward. Eat and drink alkaline. There are some good food charts on the Internet that show you the best foods to eat.
So what's a body to do. The first basic rule is, don't leave cancer food around in your body. For example, If you don't leave food scraps on the kitchen floor and you take the garbage out every day, you won't attract mice and cockroaches. You should treat your body the same way. The way you take the trash out everyday for your body is to not over consume acidic foods and drinks. Then drink enough alkaline water, I use a water ionizer to make my drinking water. This along with some regular exercise. I know most us don't want to exercise but take the dog for a brisk walk. You will look and feel better and the dog will like you a lot more.
When you make these healthy choices, you are slowing down and in some cases even reversing the aging process.
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