A useful acid alkaline food list is the single thing you certainly should have if you want to get the best results from the alkaline diet. However, when you begin looking for a list of this type, you quickly find that although there are innumerable lists available around the Internet, most of them are nearly worthless.
The Three Flaws in Acid Alkaline Food Lists
The first problem with the average acid alkaline food list is that it leaves out the foods that you truly care about. Some lists manage to include some unusual foods, but for some reason neglect to mention the foods most people eat frequently, such as bananas, milk, and wheat.
Secondly, many lists is that they contain too many errors to be useful. Some of them seem to have been put together by people who aren't aware that the science behind the alkaline diet has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Imagine, you could believe that you are following the alkaline diet accurately, and still fail because you are using inaccurate information. If you don't want this to happen to you, keep reading.
Thirdly, acid and alkaline food lists is that they're hard to use. They're often so crammed full of obscure foods that they use up half the ink in your printer. Or else they're so poorly designed that it's not easy to quickly tell whether a food is acid-producing or alkalizing.
Why Not Try a Better Acid Alkaline Food List
If you're looking for an acid alkaline food list, make sure that the one you select is factually correct and easy to use. After all, it doesn't matter how good it is if it's so clumsy that you never actually get around to using it.
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