Acid alkaline foods and diet constraints can seem quite harsh initially which can put many people off engaging in such a radical change in eating habits and nutrition. There are however many ways that you can gain all the benefits of having a less acidic and more alkaline body without eating celery all day. There alkaline diet tips should give you a much better idea on how you can pick the best foods to include in your diet in a better way.
1. Spice it up
I won't lie, some of the foods that are the best for you are not as tangy and tasty as what you may be used to. The lack of sugar and salt in a good alkaline diet recipe can make some people taste buds revolt against the whole thing. There are however many other spices and herbs that you can add that will give a bite or a more interesting taste to your meals or even your snacks.
Try adding these ingredients to any of your dishes or even to a bag of unsalted nuts and seeds for a tasty alkaline snack: Coriander (especially when dried), Basil, Rosemary, Ground Cinnamon, Curry Powder, Ginger, Dill, Oregano, Parsley, Turmeric and more!

2. Not all Fruits are Banned
Some people are turned off the alkaline diet because despite the nutritional benefits of fruit they can be quite acidic. There are however many fruits that are not overly acidic and can be included easily into your acid alkaline meal plans such as: Unripe bananas, Avocados, Coconuts, Figs, Lemons, Sour Cherries and more.
A mix of these more alkaline fruits with some of the others should still turn the pH dial towards alkaline while giving you the nutritional value of fruits.
3. Balance
Despite the hardcore attitude of many alkaline dieters it is not essential to forgo absolutely every acidic food. Being able to balance your diet so that you greatly outweigh those foods with alkaline foods is the real trick that will allow you to continue to indulge in smaller portions of meat and fish and other acid causing foods that you love and are still good for you in small amounts.
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