Acid alkaline foods are great to keep the proper balance of your body. It keeps our inner terrain from going haywire and making us sick. Acidity is the main problem of the body when it comes to imbalance. If we take in a lot of acidic food in our body, our inner structure will react to it, making us sick. Only acid alkaline foods can help restore the balance of our body. Alkaline foods will help restore the balance that the acidity has wrought.
It was not long ago that I turned 31. I never thought that I can be so unhealthy because I was only 31. But I realized that I am so unhealthy I cannot walk to work anymore without feeling fatigued. My fatigued progressed into a general feeling of illness. Plus I also felt symptoms from major illnesses that I never had before. This really hampered my performance at home and in the office.
I asked my doctor what I should do. He gave me vitamins and minerals and he added that I should check out a proper alkaline diet program to help me get back on my feet. I tried the multivitamins for a week and it did me no good. I even tried to exercise and diet, but the crash diet I did and the crash exercise was no use. I still felt much more fatigued and ill. Much more than before.
So I gave alkaline diet a try. I looked for an alkaline diet list and tried out some acid alkaline foods. In just one week, I felt healthier and energetic. I couldn't believe it at first, but there I was already playing sports again.
Let me tell you some of the steps I took to get me healthy again.
1. I avoided a lot of unhealthy habits like excessive drinking and smoking. Drinking can cause liver cancer among other illnesses. While smoking can cause cancer among other lung diseases. After I quit both, I felt a surge of energy in my body. I felt healthier and I was immediately able to walk to my office without fatigue.
2. I eat fruits and vegetables. I tried to force myself to eat fruits and vegetables because I was not really a fan as I am a meat eater. Surprisingly, I was able to appreciate this kind of diet. Not only did fruits and vegetables give me the necessary vitamins and minerals naturally, I also felt cleansed of toxins.
3. I also tried to alkalize my water by putting lemon or lime in it. Alkalized water helped me lose a bit of weight while it maintained the pH balance of my body internally.
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