The food that we typically eat in American is so far away from what was once eaten by ancient man that it is virtually impossible to recognise it. Today, the vast majority of us will consume meat as the main portion of our daily meals, this in addition to a variety of other animal produce such as milk and cheese. Following that we may have chicken breast, bread, sandwiches, and breaded fish and so on. And to finish things off we will go with baked foods such as brownies and cookies etc. All of these foods are preserved and processed using chemicals, pesticides and hormones, which are all bad for our bodies!
The food that was eaten by men of the past was made up primarily of plant products like fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, in addition to animal produce.
So why point this out?
Well it's because, all of the food that we consume, after our body digests it, is released either in the form of alkaline or acid into the blood stream which has an effect on the pH balance of our bodies. The typical balance of our body is one that is more alkaline than it is acidic. When things begin to swing in the other direction, with there being more acid in the body than alkaline, everything will slowly start to break down. This results in our immune system losing its potency, our energy levels dropping, as it becomes easier for us to gain weight. But when you have significantly more alkaline in your body than acid, then you will feel far more energetic, lose weight much easier and be overall healthier.
How to determine the level of alkaline in your body?
Well, it's relatively easy for you to do this. All you will need is a pH stripe, which you will put your saliva on, and it will tell you how much acid or alkaline is in your body. Another way of determining is by monitoring your mood, whether you feel more sleepy and weary.
How you can become alkaline
In order for you to become alkaline you must monitor the foods that you consume. So you'd want to adopt a strict alkaline diet. Foods that are rich in alkaline tend to be vegetables with nuts and almonds also being rich in alkaline. You should have very little difficulty finding a list on acid and alkaline based foods, which you can use to devise your diet. Cleansing your body is another excellent way of becoming alkaline.
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