Aging is a process which every woman is nervous about. With each birthday, the only thought that runs through the mind is that we are aging. With the present environment conditions like dry weather, pollution, dust along with stressful lifestyle, only speeds up this process. So what does one do at such junctures? They can choose to take the difficult route by trying to change their lifestyle like eating more healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, water and regular exercising or try the easy way out by using chemical products like anti aging creams and lotions, tablets, procedures, etc available in the market promising to reduce or completely remove the signs of aging.
Now the first way is a guaranteed way to reduce the signs of aging. It really makes a lot of difference to have a toned body with glowing skin. One thing to be remembered is that aging is a gradual and slow process that is continuous. So there is no remedy to stop it. It can only be slowed down or reduced. The second route by using the chemicals available in the market is controversial. While a lot of people believe in the miraculous effects of certain creams and products, there are many more who would beg to differ. The anti aging creams are nothing but moisturizers with added chemicals that reduce the visible signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin, dark spots or pigmentation, etc. The retinol is the main ingredients of these creams. It helps to tighten the skin and smoother out wrinkles. The other ingredients are hyaluronic acid, Hydroxy acids etc. These help in plumping up the tissues beneath the wrinkles and are exfoliants respectively.

Now these creams claim that they can bring back the youth and reverse the aging cycle. But how true are they. Do they really work? Any expensive cream will definitely show some difference initially as they moisturize the skin hence they look younger. But in the long run the use of these creams will not show much difference. This is not the only problem. Some research has shown that these creams use so many chemicals in them that they show side-effects on long duration usage like burning of the skin, itching, rashes, etc. So how good are they? It is upon the consumer to decide. The FDA requires extensive research in its effectiveness before it gives nod to market the product. But these results are not made public so that the end-user can decide whether it is good for them or not. All these products are very expensive.
They play with the emotions of the people and their desire to look younger. They promise the world and youthful look. But it is not a permanent change that will be visible. It is just an eye-wash; because once the use of these creams is stopped then skin goes back to its original aged look. The aging creams, whether they are effective or not is up to the consumer to decide, but based on the sales of these products it is very evident that the companies making these creams have been successful in selling people their dreams of looking young. But history has always proven that difficult routes yield more fruits, though they take some time.
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